Our Mission

 Our Beliefs

We believe in one God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures, given by divine inspiration, contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living, and are without error in all things necessary to our salvation.

We believe that humanity is born with a fallen nature, and is, therefore, inclined to evil, and that continually.

We believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is for all of humanity; and that whosoever repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is forgiven and saved from the power of sin.

We believe that after one places their trust in Christ, the Holy Spirit enables them to become more like Jesus through the experience and process of entire sanctification.

We believe that our Lord will return, the dead will be raised, and the final judgment will take place.


Bentonville Community Church is a partner congregation of the International Church of the Nazarene, a Protestant church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the Church of the Nazarene is now home to more than 2 million members worshiping in over 26,000 local congregations in 162 world areas, making it the largest church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. This strategic partnership connects us to what God is doing all around the world. To learn more about how God is transforming lives and communities through the Nazarene church, please visit www.nazarene.org.

Our History

Bentonville Church of the Nazarene was founded in 1921 after a 3-week long tent revival. The church purchased its first piece of property at its current location in 1929. Additional land was purchased and different buildings were constructed through the years to better serve our community. In 2016, we took a bold step of faith and began construction on a new worship center that we envision as a place where transformed lives can be equipped and sent out on mission with God.

In 2017, we became Bentonville Community Church, a name that reflects our commitment to ministries that enrich and strengthen our community.